By lalalalalala - 17/03/2011 16:56 - United States

Today, I was excited to have a window seat on my three hour flight to New York. When I got to my row, I noticed the screaming newborn occupying the seat in front of me, and a pair of toddlers behind me. I then looked to my seat to find I have no window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 793
You deserved it 3 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Iknoweverything 29

You know those shades over the windows? I've always wondered why they had to be up during takeoff and landing. It's not like the pilot plans on parallel parking and asking the passengers "how close am I?" Sorry for randomness, but I didn't feel like bitching.

TayonaC 10

right? just like the sound of noisy police cars and gun shots outside my house... it puts me right to sleep


three hour that's nothing try to go on a twelve hour flight

Got_any_grapes1 4

I'm sorry that innocent babies and toddlers can't scream because obviously, the world revolves around you. D-bag.

1O 0

Wow , that sucks. But sitting near a baby isn't always that bad because most the time the kid is asleep

jessless 0

Three hours? Try a FOURTEEN HOUR international flight under the same conditions.

matt1990 0

i feel ya. i had a middle seat between a dad and his wife and tha 2 yr old on her lap. i was munchin some skittles amd tha baby asked for one, i gave him one, and he threw it at me. they both laughed.

it's only three hours you'll survive

matt1990 0

babies should be banned from planes.