By potassiumgirl - 11/04/2012 19:53 - United States - Hollywood

Today, I was eating a banana, and decided to practice my blowjob skills, since my boyfriend is always complaining that I'm bad at giving head. Let's just say my lungs now have their daily dose of potassium. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 049
You deserved it 38 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tweekz14 5
nofearjenshere 12

It's a sin not to swallow, there are people starving in Africa.


Banana +10xp x Daily dose of potassium +5xp Next level: Zucchini

You suck...but not good at it...but at least you suck...

Wish had girl friend like that so devoted!! Cheers Mate

Why is "you deserved it" winning 4 to 1? The non-joke comments are mostly supportive - do that many people still secretly believe that nice girls don't do it and deserve to be punished for having sex? Ignore the haters, potassiumgirl.

rightspark 7

Your awesome for trying to please him right

badbitchesonly 2
eyecon502 13

Power to the OP for trying. Shame on the school system for not teaching.

Using a condom protected banana to practice is fine, but having the skin peeled is actually really dangerous. You're basically pushing a whole object down your throat that breaks incredibly easily. LOLL. So even if you succeed, you're going to end up with a banana obstructing your only means of gaining air into your lungs. Besides, an erect penis is hard, not soft. I don't see why people try this again and again! If you're going to practice, do it properly! And also use a bit of brains behind your choices. just had to say it. You can kill yourself doing that, and what a last legacy that would be to leave!

That was incredibly detailed/well thought out.