By Harejordan - 04/02/2009 16:44 - United States

Today, I was driving and stopped behind a person at a stop sign. Their car didn't move for about 1 minute. I got out of my car yelling at the person. It was an old woman. She wasn't breathing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 159
You deserved it 36 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vfscx0aw6o7jshl 0

She stopped breathing to teach you the virtue of patience.

why does everyone say they deserved it? they didn't KILL the person.


smartalek 2
david000123 0

Must've been fate. Normally people just would've drove around her, but since you got out and checked you realized it wasn't really her fault. Hope everything was okay and you called 911.

If she wasn't breathing, then wouldn't her body go limp therefore releasing the pressure she was putting on the break and the car would continue to roll?

Good thing you got there now put your foot in your mouth and call for help...

8313girl 28

Yeah OP it was a good thing you got out to yell at her and notice she was dying. Sadly, I probably would have driven around after 10 seconds and muttered something bad under my breath without even noticing her issue. This will definitely make me more aware in the future.