By Julia - 04/10/2011 03:22 - United States

Today, I was denied a waitressing job at a local diner I have been going to for years. Due to the fact that my name is Julia. They already have a waitress there named Julie. Apparently, I would "create too much confusion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 067
You deserved it 2 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get her fired or find yourself a nickname.

Strange, perhaps that was just an excuse. After all, there are last names.


winnn_fml 0

It'd be even more awkward if you found out one of other staff is called Juliette

I have someone with my same first name at work so everyone calls me by my last name "Falcon".(: I smile everytime someone talks about falcon punches! Lol

Llama_Face89 33

I envy you and your awesome last name, sir.

Er.. 57.. Enslaved is a woman. Just thought I should let you know.

You can find a better job I'm sure.. What a lame excuse...they should just tell you the truth whatever it is

That's stupid. My job has four James, three Kyles, and two kaylas, but because we actually get to know each other there is little to no confusion. It's not that hard to say "tall Kyle" "funny James" or "manager Kayla." that's of course without accounting nicknames.

#30, I believe it's a well hidden pun. *In Rafiki's voice* ........Look harder

The_creator_fml 2

Don't be confused, my child. It is quite simple to understand if you just read. And if you cannot, well I dont think you'll be able to understand

that's a stupid excuse, at my job we have an Ana and an Anna, as well as a Jared and a Jarrett, and at one point we had 3 Davids

cool. what's the actual point? you probably have a different job than what she applied for and probably a different state if not country.

Um the point is that it's possible to work with people who have the same name without getting confused. What does the country or type of job have to do with anything?

Yeah, where I work we've got 3 Kims, 2 Katies, 2 Nicks, and an Amanda and a Miranda, just in one department. If you include the whole store we've got like 4 Brians, 3 or 4 Steves, 4 Daves, and more Amandas and Nicks. It's sheer chaos! Nobody knows who anyone is! (sarcasm)

BikeAllDay818 6

My girlfriend's name is Julia (:

My cousins friends, aunts, nieces, aunts, friends niece is also called Julia :)

Llama_Face89 33

Congrats? Also I find I don't care.

57: shush up and If you've got nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all please

Why not they call you by your last name?