By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 17:10 - United States

Today, I was crocheting while watching television, and thinking to myself how proud I was that I taught myself to crochet. Then, an episode of Golden Girls came on, and I watched that while I crocheted. I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 884
You deserved it 40 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm 24, too, and this sounds like a pretty good time to me, actually.


Golden Girls is awesome. Don't start worrying until you begin to go to bed at 6pm every night and develop hemorrhoids and rheumatoid arthritis. Then you won't be able to crochet OR watch TV comfortably.

What the ****? This FML sucks. How did it even make it onto the website? This belongs with the ones on the first page.

UniquelyMe 0
Trix_Disorder 20

That show rocks, and I love to crochet. I'm 19.

This is so awful and unfunny that I made an account just to tell you how terrible it is. You crocheted and watched some show about old people, who cares?!

missus_butter 0

Your life sounds okay, I mean, you did an activity you like while watching a show you like. If other people judge you for that, it's their lives that are F'd, not yours.

Ender_ 0

There are a lot of Golden Girls fans on this website.

thuryn 2

What's your number? I could lift weights and watch TV with you. :) (I use the rubber gaskets on the weights so they won't spin. Bonus is they don't clink when you set them down and mess up the show.) And yes, I like Golden Girls.

Applause to you #4!! Besides, if that is what you do in your spare time, so what? I've been crocheting since i was a kid, doesn't mean i'm an ancient granny.