By tool - 09/04/2009 06:03 - United States

Today, I was bored at my job at Home Depot. I got a bar code tattoo 3 weeks ago and thought it would be funny to scan it. I'm a $5.98 160z claw hammer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 905
You deserved it 143 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scott1494 0

haaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!! Talk about being a tool!!!!!

Tucatz 0

Could be worse- at the grocery store you might be a $0.69 can of green beans. And at the drugstore you could be Preparation H. In fact, that should be your new goal- to go around and find out what you are at various stores.


This FML is definitely possible. If you watch the commentary for the movie Hitman they mention that they scanned the barcode from the main character's fake tattoo and he was a can of Progresso soup or something like that. And my G1 can scan barcodes when the pictures fuzzy, not that impossible.

@76 Yeah when in doubt figure somewhere there is a regulating body. I mean how would they make money unless they said, "we need to standardize it and you need to pay for it..." And that would be hilarious if the tattooist used a tool barcode to convey the kid is a tool. FHL

vt_mruhlin 0

I'm with #76 on this one. The tattoo artist was (rightfully) calling you a tool; like all those white people who get asian character tattoos that say things like "Dumb white girl" or "I'm a ****".

At least you don't ring up as condoms.

isthisminh 0

lol ... cool . i want one now

"What are the chances that you have the same exact barcode as a product in the store. The ONLY way that would be possible is if you went on the internet, found a random barcode and the tattooist was able to copy the thickness and exact lines of the barcode. If they missed one thin lie or substituted it wouldn't work." Well, considering there are at least a billion different barcodes accross the planet...

i dont really see this working. unless you found some random barcode like, laying on the floor at your work and got a tatoo of exactly that, i dont really think the scanner would register your barcode.

its not fake, i was bored at a job i had in high school and recreated a bar code on the back of business card with a ball point, scanned in just like i planned. props to #3, lmao

fatalscape 0

yeah, i agree with 98. bar codes and their spacing have to be dead on, but if you say so.