By miseventshappen - 09/11/2009 05:49 - United States

Today, I was at the mall, I saw a girl crying that her ice cream had fallen on the floor. Feeling generous, I bought her a new one. She threw it on the ground, laughed, and came over to her mom and told that I was bothering her, so the mom called security. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 653
You deserved it 5 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did her mom just leave her there. Was it all part of her elaborate con to get people thrown out of the mall?

That'll teach you. You should have bought the ice cream, walked up next to her, taken a big lick and thrown it on the floor and said "you can't have that one either bitch".


Flutist 3
bsias4ever 0

Damn right! xD. Then a few slaps in the face as well.... LOL!

fdeg4161 13

What a little b****! I concur with #36, reading these stories and seeing things like this happen make me want to do the same thing to myself.

NativeCowbell 0

This is the reason I quit being nice to people. It tends to backfire often.

PrinceTwilight17 0

Honestly, being kind to people these days can get you harassment charges based on FML.

956TXking 0

go up to the little bitch and punch right in the face.

i think you deserved this one... in this day and age, almost 2010, you cant randomly buy a little girl, you dont know, ice cream and expect they aren't going to run and tell their parents and then the parents aren't going to get all out weirded