By Anonymous - 04/10/2013 00:16 - United States - Irving

Today, I was at Petsmart with my puppy. Someone tried to pet him. I tried to warn the guy that he is a rescue and doesn't trust easily. He didn't listen and now wants to sue me for a dog bite that didn't even break the skin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 177
You deserved it 3 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why I don't like taking my dog out often. People need to learn to ask before touching a stranger's pet.

Kyuubi_Rose 11

Well, he can't sue if there is no damage and you did try to warn him. People should never pat strange dogs without owner's permission, it was his own stupidity


lolz.. let him sue.. without proof he will b punished for faking..

To all who say that this is no big deal-hold on a sec. Jurisdictions deal with dog bites in a variety of ways. In Texas, this "minor incident" could potentially go on record as this dog being considered dangerous. If another bite occurs, the dog is put down, and the owner can be considered criminally and civilly negligent (jail time, and money damages), regardless of damage. Train your pets well, protect them as best you can.

novapine 19

even if there is no proof of injury and the owner warned them? Texas really is that crazy?

ytew6 6

You do realize its a puppy... Not a Doberman told to attack someone, right?

Multiple places have laws like that. My aunt in Virginia faced a lawsuit for her little, high pitched dog nipping some woman. It didn't leave a mark, but apparently the woman was emotionally distressed by the incidence. There was also the case of a guy shooting at a dog with a bb gun multiple times on the dog owner's property. The dog bit him after a few shots. The guy got awarded over 10,000 by the jury. The dog was placed on the dangerous dog list.

The dog bit him AFTER being shot a few times? Then the guy deserves it for bing an idiot and shooting someone else dog on their property shouldnt the guy get some sort of punishment?

When I brought my (ex's) dog into the city, he was very poorly socialized and had a thing for ankles. Many long walks and play dates with other dogs and people later, he is quite happy to visit with new people without any of his previous problems. Good on OP for getting her rescue out and about!!

CrazyOvrMustangs 10

I'm sorry, but don't you think it was a bad idea to bring a dog that is obviously scared and weary of people into a store like that? Sounds to me you were lucky it wasn't worse.

I understand where you were coming from with that angle but that may not be the case entirely. Petsmart has a dog grooming salon within it's store (yes, some will take on difficult dogs if they are comfortable with known current problems). For all we know, OP could have been taking the dog to his appointment or picking it up. Besides, if the dog was fine being in the store around people as long as strangers don't try to do anything personally with him, I don't see what is wrong with that when the dog wasn't out of control in the first place. It was that individuals fault for ignoring OP's warning to not pet the dog and he got what he deserved for proceeding regardless knowing the consequences that could have happened out of that denied permission in the first place. I don't feel sorry one bit for that person trying to sue OP what so ever in my opinion.

novapine 19

you warned him. he's just whining about his own stupidity. don't worry about it. no court would side with him.

Take your dog to a trainer and counter sue for the cost, since he traumatised the dog and it needs to be retrained.

So, some guy in Petsmart didn't pet smart and got a pet smart. ouch!

150493x 29

I really feel for you, OP. Some people will not listen. Both my dogs are rescues, one is absolutely fine around strangers, the other is not. Folk will try and pet him and I warn them not to but it's always the whole "it's ok I have dogs too." Some people don't get that just because you have a dog doesn't mean my dog will like you.

He got what he was asking for...props for saving the puppy by the way...