By Apple - 12/06/2011 17:54 - United States

Today, I was at my friend's house, and I asked if I could try on one of her dresses. It was a little snug, but I got it on. When it came time to take it off though, it wouldn't budge. My friend and her mom had to cut it off me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 511
You deserved it 34 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awww, don't think too much of it. as long as you're healthy you have no need to worry. healthy=beautiful :)

Not trying to be rude here, but if you know you're a little heftier than your friend, you probably shouldn't ask to try on her clothes


Obviously if she's that much smaller than you, her clothes won't fit you. FHL SHE had to CUT HER dress off YOU. YID!

smileywondur10 0

that sucks!! and to all you assholes blaming her for it, **** off. what if they are similar sizes for everything, really if you knew you were dramatically larger then someone you wouldn't want to borrow the dress, but the dress went on just didn't come off, it was probably just the zipper stuck or something..

It doesn't matter If they are, if something is snug on you then you shouldn't force it on. My sister and I are wear the same size for clothing yet my bra size is a 34DDD and she is about average size, we've tried on the same size dress and everything fit except the buttons in the chest area wouldn't close because I was too large there. OP needs to understand that even if she is of similar size as her friend their bodies are still shaped differently.

are you sure it was just 'a little snug'?

rhidiculous 4

whoever had to cut it was hopefully smart enough to cut at the seams (if there were any) so that it could be sewn back up...all OP would have to pay for is a seamstress

visage 0

Totally makes me think of Tommy Boy, "Fat man in little coat!"

maybe it was one of OPs friends old dresses? and she is actually skinny and the same size as her friend?

more like FHL, your ass ruined her dress ;)

Someone said she was big boned. What does that really mean? I've never seen a fat skeleton. :/

MuchDance90s 0

Haha, that is true. :) It is just a term relating to body type. For instance, Nicole Richie is a different body type than Lauren Conrad, but both are slender for their types. Lauren Conrad would become very ill if she were 99 lbs like Richie.

well it's basically your bone structure - you can be big without being fat, or fat without being big depending on the size of your bones. for instance, you might have quite wide hips and shoulders but not a lot of fat, meaning that even though you're skinny you're still big, and vice versa - you can be fat with small bones, so even though you look chubby you can fit into small sized clothes because you have a small frame.

ergo_fml 13

Why would you try to get into something that looked too small for you? One size too small doesn't result in having to cut you out, so you had to way be fooling yourself whether or not you're fat or skinny.