By Apple - 12/06/2011 17:54 - United States

Today, I was at my friend's house, and I asked if I could try on one of her dresses. It was a little snug, but I got it on. When it came time to take it off though, it wouldn't budge. My friend and her mom had to cut it off me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 511
You deserved it 34 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awww, don't think too much of it. as long as you're healthy you have no need to worry. healthy=beautiful :)

Not trying to be rude here, but if you know you're a little heftier than your friend, you probably shouldn't ask to try on her clothes


iLove2LoveU 0

Don' lie OP, You were Just Hating on your Friend Because She has better Clothes than You, and You came up with this master Plan to Destroy her Nice Dress! Mission Accomplished!!!

I wouldn't be surprised, I've had "friends" like that. Side note: Is random capitalization the new cruise control for cool? As for this fml F your friends life for having such a lousy friend. Also I'd say ydi op for forcing something that wasn't meant to be but your friends dress didn't deserve to be ruined because you lack the capacity to understand that if something is a little snug then it doesn't fit right and shouldn't be forced because that won't make it magically fit you.

me too, i once let this fat girl borrow my jumper and she stretched it so far it wouldnt fit me properly no matter how many times i washed it, it was pretty traumatic.

On the other side of that, however, I've borrowed my fat friends jumpers before and wore them with leggings

You're pretty insensitive towards heavy people seeing how in your previous comments you admitted to once being fat yourself. Sorry but you're a straight bitch.

wow lose some weight you tub of lard

ZoieSmithDP 0

you should have gone to the gym in it and lost a few pounds and stuff, then ud get it off amd itd be covered in ur sweat so u gets to keep it :) (This does not mean your fat!)

MissAimeeAngel 15

If it was hard to get into, you should not have even attempted it. YDI for squeezing into a dress that was obviously far too small for you. I feel bad for your friend who now has a totally ruined dress. That's just not fair to her.

odge 3

dont put yourself down. your not fat. just lay off the twinkies, hersheys, mcdonalds, an rice crispy treats an save ur money to buy ur hopefully ex friend a new dress

Really OP, a LITTLE snug? Just a little? They had to CUT you out of it. You knew that dress didn't fit and you probably had quite the struggle getting it on. YDI for being selfish. I hope you buy her a nicer dress.