By Apple - 12/06/2011 17:54 - United States

Today, I was at my friend's house, and I asked if I could try on one of her dresses. It was a little snug, but I got it on. When it came time to take it off though, it wouldn't budge. My friend and her mom had to cut it off me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 511
You deserved it 34 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awww, don't think too much of it. as long as you're healthy you have no need to worry. healthy=beautiful :)

Not trying to be rude here, but if you know you're a little heftier than your friend, you probably shouldn't ask to try on her clothes


@150 - how in the hell are you a size 8 if you weigh 160 lbs? I weigh 130 and I'm a 6. I'm gonna start shopping where you buy your clothes, because I could probably fit into a size 0 if you fit into their 8s.

you know that muscle weighs more than fat right?? My BFF happens to be a size 8 and weighs about 145. She is full of lean muscle... which weighs MUCH less than flab.

Ydi! U knew u were to fat for that dress...ur friend should be pissed as shit!

How do you know she was necessarily "fat"? She could just have a friend who's a twig where as she has curves..

Wow. Reading these comments, you guys are some real insensitive assholes. Just wow.

peterblack67 9

This makes no sense to me. Either a dress has a zipper or buttons or it's stretchy and you can just pull it on over your head.