By saywhat - 26/11/2010 03:28 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house for dinner with his family. His mom cooked up a steak dinner, except that I'm a vegan, but trying to be a good girlfriend, I forced it down. Upon his mother finding out I was a vegan, she called me "disloyal to my beliefs." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 263
You deserved it 39 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh oh, now the Vegan Police are gonna come to take away your vegan powers!

I bet that wasn't the only thing that was forced down your throat that night HIO!


What a bitch of a mother. If I had done the same thing, I would have felt somewhat embarrassed for not asking if she had any preferences instead of assuming everyone will eat the food I make..

As a vegan, it is our responsibility to let other people know of our eating preferences. I would never, ever go to a persons home for dinner without letting them know that I'm vegan because the last thing I want is for them to waste their time cooking food that I will not eat. The mother wasn't a bitch, she DID compromise her beliefs. Vegan people are offered non-vegan food by people all the time (ie a friend offering a piece of dairy milk chocolate) and you just. say. no.

that was a bitch thing of the mom to say. I'd feel terrible if I was her not insult her

lolololol, and you call yourself a vegan? It's because of people like you others make fun of vegans and vegetarians. Also, I really do hope you've gotten at least diarrhea.

sourgirl101 28

The mother was correct. If you're a vegan and were invited to dinner, perhaps your boyfriend should have mention it to his mother. If he didn't, You should have been prepared to either stick with eating the side dishes only or brought an entree of your own. I never go to an invited dinner empty handed. (It's rude!) I always bring a dessert or bottle of wine.

appleapple 0

clearly your morals and self beliefs weren't that strong, you deserve it,

shoulda went to mcdonalds..... jus sayin

"force it down " lol thats what any good girlfriend should do !!

KattAlex 4

It was a freaking steak. It isn't like she slaughtered the cow herself. Seriously, I wish people will stop overacting about the whole vegan/vegitarian thing because unless there whole family were vegans they have eaten meat and other animal products. It isn't a crime to eat animal products.

Your boyfriend should have let his mom know before hand that you were a vegan so she could have made something diffrent for you.

some people get offended if you refuse food they work hard on making. she was trying to be polite and make a good first impression, who cares if theyre long term or not. if she figures it's not the end of the world if she eats some steak, she should be able to. I don't see why so many peoples are being dicks about it

because NOT eating meat is the very definition of vegetarian/vegan. duh.

Just like every other vegan woman, they are gonna have some meat in their mouth at one point or another!!!!