By first time at McDonald's in months... - 27/03/2013 05:04 - United States

Today, I was at McDonald's. As I left the counter with the food, I heard the cashier mutter, "Fat ass." I turned around and demanded to see the manager. Once he came and heard the situation, he looked at me and said, "Well, it's not like he's wrong, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 226
You deserved it 19 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it was the 4 Big Macs, 3 large fries, 8 apple pies, and 2 ice creams that tipped them off. Oh, and the Diet Coke.

No matter how big OP’s order really was and no matter whether OP is obese or not, the comments by the cashier and his manager were simply unprofessional.


I work at McDonald's and NO WAY would any of my managers have the guts to say that.. Daaamn!!

I'm sure they have a Customer Service line somewhere. Look it up and call. Years ago a Taco Bell employee was rude to me so I called their Customer Service line. The district manager called me back a few days later and assured me that employee had been fired.

daniellenb22 4

call the number on the reciept an tell them kiss ur fat ass

That is absolutely terrible, OP! FYL. Take it to the local press. Corporate can ignore you but not if you kick up a public fuss. I worked in a take out for four years in my teens and never once judged a person on their weight. Had one smart ass kid trainee once that made a similar remark to an overweight customer. I bitched them out and she never said a word again. Worst of it was, the customer was a regular and knew he had a medical condition that made him put on weight. Even then, he always ordered relatively healthy, stir-fried meals. Some people need to keep their nose out of other peoples business. Let he without sin cast the first stone. I'm not religious but I highly doubt people that point fingers are in any way physically or mentally perfect themselves!

You need to go to the franchise owner and report the.cashier and the manager that you spoke to and if nothing is done on that level go to corporate and report it. The manager and cashier need to be fired, the comments were rude and very unprofessional! If I were you I would call an attorney and sue that is politically incorrect!

empyrean_fml 6

Sue? Because someone called you a fat-ass? Have you ever heard of something called freedom of speech? All speech except that which is likely to incite violence in the near future is protected by the First Amendment. It's not against the law to be rude, and it's not against the law to be 'politically incorrect,' which isn't even a relevant term in reference to this anyway. Good luck with that lawsuit.

Freedom of speech in the workplace? I'm sorry but no, just no. I get rude customers all the time and I know not to say something like that in front of the same rude customer. I might talk to a coworker after they're gone but I'm professional enough to not be rude to that customer. The whole freedom of speech doesn't apply in the workplace, you need to be as kind and as courteous as possible to your customers. It's called professionalism. I suppose that, yes, you are free to say whatever you want, but don't be shocked when you get fired because you're rude and unprofessional.

#104, IMO, Suing would be a silly idea, but being against the law or not has nothing to do with bringing a civil lawsuit against someone. People sue for libel or slander all the time, many times, rightfully so.

yeah its freedom of speech but it also means your boss has the freedom to fire your ass for possibly chasing away money by being rude

Zyzz7 12

LOL! Suing someone because they called you fat? HAHAHAHHAHA. You're ridiculous.

joethebiden 8

And that's why God created the Head Office.

aruges93 12

I work at McDonald's and I am a manager if any one of our employees are rude to the customer u will get talked to at our McDonald's the customer is always right no matter if they're wrong

Contact corporate McDonalds. I worked as a manager there and there is no way this would be tolerated by the corporation. Bad people can get hired anywhere and if corporate isn't called they have no way of knowing there's a problem. I'm sure the manager in question is absolutely wonderful when a superior is around. Call corporate, explain the situation. They will take care of the problem and get you some free stuff for your trouble. Your weight is no one's business but you and though I don't work there anymore, I'm sorry you were treated that way.

All these fat comments! What if OP isn't fat? Sometimes it's the perception of another. OP may be within ideal body weight but the counter person and manager have the perception that being a stick figure is the only way to look attractive. I've known people with this very attitude. OP should report to corporate with complaints of discrimination and harassment.

OP wouldn't have gotten the comment if OP wasn't fat. I'm pretty sure that someone has to be exceptionally large to make people say "fatass" under their breath. I really dislike when people are like "omg obese rights, everyone loves stick people". No, I just enjoy people's bodies where you can see they are indeed human and not an enormous round stack of rolls.

No, someone does not have to be exceptionally large to be called a fat ass, just like someone doesn't have to be homely to be called ugly. People are assholes and feel they have the right to utter any rude thing that comes to mind. And where in my statement did I say "everyone" loves stick figures and stand up for obesity rights? I said some people have that attitude. I've known them. I really hate when people read into something and make it something it's not... I too enjoy a fit body to gaze upon, I prefer that overweight people keep it covered, but I'm surely not going to judge them or make rude comments. The clerk and manager were out of line, plain and simple. That is all.

you're an idiot they didn't say everyone just the person behind the counter may think it.

aruges93 12

And for everyone that says uneducated kids work there not everyone is a dropout some go to college and keep working there