By ILTali - 03/03/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, I was at a party and we were all playing Seven Minutes in Heaven. It was my crush's turn to spin the bottle so my heart started pounding. The bottle pointed towards me! Then my crush said, "With her it'd be 'Seven Minutes in Hell'. Just skip me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 121 811
You deserved it 8 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww, what an ass hole! :[ You're better than him =D

musu_fml 0

Look at the good side: now you know he's a prick, you can stop wasting your time having a crush on him, and turn your attention on someone who's actually NICE.


I think we can all agree he's just mad because he has a baby penis and doesn't know how to cope with a beautiful person like you seeing him get a boner

cheese47 0

I hate that girls date assholes and don't ever notice me,being the nice person :(

Punch him in the face and kick him in the sack.

urmomrocks 5

Don't listen to him! He's obviosly a dumbasshole! Lol You're definitely too god for him!!!:$

YeaSo3 14

I know that hurt your feelings but try not to let it get yu down... I hope you kicked him in the balls and left

Pinky1407 4

You need to find someone else to have a crush on cause he seems to be a dick and will always be a dick.

katiedoll6 7

Aww pur u but now u no he is a jackass and u can stop wasting ur time with him

yermomsanus08 0

What a ******* ********. I bet he thinks he is so hot