By Anonymous - 05/01/2014 05:30 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I was at a basketball game. Sitting in the bleachers, I looked over at my friend and said, "Number 33 has a really cute butt." The man in front of us turned around, looked me dead in the eye, and said, "Thanks." Number 33's dad was a very proud father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 716
You deserved it 14 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least he knew his son had a good butt.

He then got up and asked if he has a nice butt too. Like father like son (or daughter)


That's my dad...that actually freaking hilarious that I found this on here haha he was telling me about a girl hitting on my butt hahaha

It was an SCC game. Congrats your ass got a feature :)

I think op needs to clarify if it was a guy or girl

Guess you won't be dating him... Although you met his dad really quickly.

Where did you post this from because I played a basketball game yesterday and my number is 33. I'm not even joking

kitcatjb 12

Whys this an FML? Maybe the dad will tell his son you said that, and it'll help your game ;)

I need to know the OP's and the basketball player's genders. Changes the whole story depending...