By Cody - 07/03/2009 18:15 - United States

Today, I walked into the kitchen and accidentally broke my mother's vase. I said, "Accidents happen." She replied, "Yeah, like your birth." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 067
You deserved it 21 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that was an incredibly rude reply to breaking something that belonged to someone else.

Yeah, your first reaction should have been "I'm sorry," not "shit happens."


lanbee 0

I broke a vase yesterday. I felt really bad and couldn't stop crying.

hahah that's what u get for trying to be a smart ass if ur gonna say accidents happen expect a rude come back jack ass

yourlifeisbetter_fml 0

That vase was probably symbolic of your dad's cheap condom.

Thundergreen23 0

That's pretttttyy dicked out. :/

Stupid bitch. Your conception may have been an accident, but how do you give birth accidentally?

landreth0105 0
kairoxsox 0
laurens2110 0

Wow that's really mean for your mom to say. Maybe she was joking or serious... The world may never know