By vegeta - 24/12/2018 20:00

Today, I’ve been getting sexy messages from an unknown number. First I told her to stop multiple times, then I blocked her. I can only assume that she changed her number and managed to find me and message me again. My girlfriend saw the messages and told me flatly “It’s over.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 988
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Plot twist: it was your girlfriend all along, wanting a concrete excuse to break up with you.

What are the chances it was your girlfriend making an excuse to get out?


Sounds like a Set up... looks like she was waiting to catch you. For an excuse. What a terrible person

Scootythedog 17

That’s 100% your (ex)gf doing that crap.

4 words. ex-girlfriend. and. her. friends.

Peaches1914 13

Set up can you explain how the new number was available unless someone gave it out?

Now report it to the phone company as a stalker and the police and wait to see who gets arrested. If your ex it’s a bonus.