By WelcomeWagon - 28/06/2010 20:35 - United States

Today, I unpacked in my new, non-air conditioned apartment wearing nothing but underwear, a tank top and an apron to stay cool. Later, I realized I'd crossed through the complex to my car and the dumpster many times, and arranged my deck overlooking the parking lot, without ever donning shorts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 536
You deserved it 42 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I think you made a good impression on your new neighbors!

amyhanks 0

Lmao, sounds like something I'd do.

Now you'll have some very friendly neighbours :)

dugumit 0

omg how funny my neighbour does that too. except she is a meth addict.


whatever there's no way you can't tell your shorts aren't on unless your a ****** idiot. you just wanted attention

We'll make a deal. if you either post naked pics of yourself OR start using punctuation properly, we'll stop asking for (or making jokes about) the OP posting pics. You in?

what is your age and weight? I need that in order to make the correct inappropriate remark.

LetsGoPens87 0

first off you said without donning shorts which pisssed me off then i was pissed by just re reading ur post. who cares...get over it....wah wah wah someone might of seen me in my underwear...suck it up

cunningchick 1

Arnt you a asshole! She just moved into a new apt and now everybody has seen her in her underwear! And why the hell does the word 'donning' piss you off?

Depends on what you look like, see what happens next when you find out who saw you.