By gumless - 02/05/2012 15:19 - United States

Today, I tried whitening my teeth with an off-brand product. It didn't whiten my teeth, but it did burn parts of my gums off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 307
You deserved it 7 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it dissolves your gums just think of what it might be doing to those teeth of yours...

KnightAngela1109 10

Guess you can never have white enough gums


alwaysHAPPY116 0

Are your gun whiter than ur teeth now?? Lol I feel bad for u

itskimHOLLA 0

Lol, try a smashed strawberry or 2 and a tbsp of baking soda. Brush your teeth with it twice a week but use a different toothbrush. Then spit and brush them pearly whites normally. Your teeth should be whiter in a few minutes. :)

comeatmebroo6254 1

That's why you don't trust cheap tooth paste.

this is where u read the back of the packet as all products always have helpline number call them and then begin to destroy!!!

The same thing happened to me with whitening strips, the gums will be fine in a week

What am I missing? Where did she say "YOLO" at all in that comment?

trollierthanthou 1

i normally use a baking soda apple cider vinegar and toothpaste concoction and brush with that. I also heard that rubbing strawberries on your teeth works wonders (Many celebrities use the strawberry thing). You can't go wrong with baking soda. It is very good for your teeth but it is also a natural whitening aid. Just don't brush too hard with baking soda because it scrubs off enamel. It also scrubs off enamel if you do it too often, i recommend every three nights.

snnoell_18 1

91- i'm pretty sure she used to have "yolo" in her bio, but after 54 commented she took it off