By cutup - 11/07/2012 17:54 - United States - Gainesville

Today, I tried to trim my dog's nails. After about a half hour of barking, biting, and general freaking out, I gave up and decided to pay someone else to do it. I'm a vet, and do this for a living. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 517
You deserved it 6 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really nailed that one! Haha.. That was terrible.

She didn't say she didn't know how.. I think OP's dog would not cooperate with her.


hateevryone 14

How do you do other dog's nails but can't do your own?

Op doesn't do other dogs, the vet doesn't groom animals

wannabesinger 16

The vet I work at grooms animals, and the techs are clipping nails all the time.

olpally 32

How are you able to keep your job op?? Lol if you can't do your own dog, then how the heck do you do someone else's? This just baffles me and all I can do is laugh... Lmao

hockeyoceancity 13

I suppose she's a pretty girl and has other people trim the nails whenever the job comes up.

olpally 32

23- very true... Lol, but ahhh... Not enough info to say that though! Answer us op!!! We need more info! Lol

Maybe if he was paid to do it he would deal with it, but if you have the ability to pay for someone else to do the shit you don't want to do, why not?

olpally 32

37- it's a she... Lol... Sorry for my redundant comment as it has already been said multiple times above mine... *goes and sits in corner*

citymayer 7

At a vets office there's usually someone to hold the dog still while someone else trims the nails.

itsa_maddy 19

Demon dog? Or just bad vet? I wouldn't take my poor dog to you, if you can't even handle your own.

Ketamine!!! Then if you have some left over you can fall in the k hole and forget that you suck at your job.

nofearjenshere 12

Your attempt to be number one was.

Maybe you should invest in a muzzle. And get someone to hold him down.

cacunt 1

I would thumb you down more if I could.

RecklessJellyBea 7

I have a dog like that, too. Even professionals won't take him because he's just so unruly. I end up having to groom him, and it takes forever. Plus, I'm just not good at it.

I don't like saying 'Fail' out loud. I feel like I'm insulting someone, since it kind of sounds like 'Feo'(sp?), which is 'ugly' in Spanish.