By TehUglyLife - 29/07/2013 19:11 - United States - Jacksonville Beach

Today, I tried to help a bird who had broken his wing. I walked straight into a door while looking down at him in my hands, and ended up all but breaking his other wing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 902
You deserved it 14 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could just see it now, "Today, a human tried to help me recover from a broken wing, but the idiot walked straight into a door with me still in its hands, breaking my other wing. FML"


Aw. Poor bird! Don't beat yourself up over it OP. You tried your best to help it! :)

All I got from that was your a monster

f the poor birds life!! poor little thing!

God dammit man watch what you're doing