By mustachioed - 29/09/2012 05:06 - United States

Today, I tried to bleach my upper lip hair. I now have a bright red mustache. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 065
You deserved it 18 807

Same thing different taste


I bet it looks like you just drank Hawaiian Punch. Oh Yeah! (:

Actually waxing makes it grow back less. My leg hair is so thin now, I can hardly even see it anymore.

Upper lip hair is generally light anyway. Just trim it with a scissors.

Girls' upper lip hair almost never gets that long... And even if it was long enough to trim, it would still be noticable and she would still get mocked for it.

Mine is short and I still trim it with a scissors. I've never heard of anyone making fun of someone for having normal facial hair.

darawbs 0

If you have naturally dark hair it tends to turn red when bleached. I suggest you do it again with the same bleach or a different one. (: bleached my baby brother's hair in middle school, he has black and it turned this funky orange red. ;D

holyshitbatman 20

did you know there's this REALLY COOL thing called a razor? YDI

answeryourphone 3
The_F3rris 11

Just shave it. It only takes a few seconds and you should already have a razor I hope.