By Thanks - 27/11/2009 23:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I took my daughter to the zoo. I threw a piece of my sandwich towards a very cute chimpanzee. As a thank you, he threw a piece of crap at me, which exploded all over my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 320
You deserved it 49 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a reason the signs say 'Don't feed the animals'.

MissGreenT 0

guess you could say you had a shitty day? FYL


YDI. The real reason your life is ****** is because you're too stupid not to follow simple rules that are in place for a reason.

optimus_prime420 0

YDI.. Like everyone else said, don't feed the animals!! [; haha, ur stupidity made my night.

army1312at 0

its not like he threw a rock at it calm down

Hey, #30, you must be related to the moron....I mean the OP. Rules are in place for a reason, you don't feed the animals.

Its not like you're supposed to feed the animals

well its your fault for throwing something at the chimp, because he didn't know if you were being friendly or aggressive. there's a magical little thing called following the rules, so when it says don't feed the animals it really means don't feed the animals.

as said above, everyone knows rules are just suggestions. ( IDC about grammmar.)

he didn't feed it. he just threw food into it's cage

capthavoc123 0

Obviously you have never heard any joke about monkeys ever created.

they tell you not to feed them for a reason!!!!! you TOTALLY deserved it

on anoter note. only the gorillas get sandwiches. peanut butter with anti depressants in them actually.... from the zoo keeper. (the only way we can get them to take the meds)