By Anonymous - 18/04/2013 23:08 - United States - Oceanside

Today, I told the guy I've liked since we were children that I'm madly in love with him. He replied with, "Aw, I love you too, as a sister." I was speechless. He patted me on the back and said, "Better luck next time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 039
You deserved it 6 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Move on. Though its the first it won't be the last. Way life is.

thehonestone10 5

Why are almost a third of the girls acting like the guy is some sort of "jerk" or "do*uche" for not happily saying yes? Last time I checked, this is a free country and people aren't required to date someone. Girls reject guys alllllll the time if the guy isn't "hot enough". Hell, even if the girl and guy had a lot in common, if she's obviously hotter she will reject him in a heartbeat and 90% of the time the guy doesn't try to act like the girl is some huge b*tch- at least, not normal guys. Why do girls make that the norm, to hate on any guy who rejects them? Are girls egos so big that they have to demonize somebody that rejects them, in order to maintain that sense of egotistical superiority? He rejected you, you weren't good enough for him, GET OVER IT. Don't go dissing him to all your friends and trying to spread nasty awful rumors to make yourself feel better. It won't make you feel better, it'll just increase that black hole in your soul. It doesn't mean he's the devil, or a rapist or a womanizer. It just means you were a little too picky/greedy in who you wanted to date. Have more realistic standards next time why don'tcha

Aww... But atleast you had the guts to tell him... I still have not told the guy I like

MeandMyKats 3

Let's take a moment of silence for our dear sister in the friend-zone. We've all been there sweetie. But that was kind of jerk-ish of him to reject you in that manner. He could have been nicer. Either way, you'll find better.

jackeechan 10

You got friendzoned by a guy. Now you know how we feel.

Dear all guys out there, This is proof that girls can be friendzoned too. Love, teentee401

BFMV1225 7

And there goes my hope for my own confession.

br00kr 22

I feel so sorry for you. It's like the time I asked this guy out at the pool and he said "No, eww who would go out with somebody with autism." He then left me crying in a circle of friends and stood to laugh at me.