By Anonymous - 07/10/2015 13:45 - Belgium - Herenthout

Today, I told one of my classmates for the third time that I'm not into guys and wasn't interested in going on a date with him. He just looked at me blankly and said "So I'll pick you up at 9?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 355
You deserved it 2 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22

Tell him sure then give him the wrong address. That'll learn him

Maybe next time you could put it more bluntly to try and get it through his thick skull. Or possibly he is just joking and has a terrible sense of humor.


Tell him you'll agree to date him once he gets castrated and gets breast implants

awkwardngrateful 10

Tell him point blank he'll pick you up never. And why.

leogachi 15

@33 She already told him why.

people just don't get the message these days. Once you say no, they assume it means hard to get. You're dating someone, and they think you want them instead. Keep telling him, OP. You'll be sick of the sound of your own voice, but hopefully in time he will grow tired.

Pick a nearby attraction you have to pay to get into like an amusement park. Tell him "I'm not into guys, but if you think you can change my mind, be at (where ever inside the park) at 12pm on Saturday" When he complains about getting stood up, tell him "I said if you think you can change my mind. You didn't change my mind" If it costs him money and you're not even turning up, he'll get the message.

I don't know.. telling him he can try and change your mind, suggests there is a chance which isn't great with a person like him, and might mean he decides to kiss you or something, hoping you will realise you actually do like him - like a Jacob/Bella thing (which is ridiculous btw). Could go wrong.

I guess he has read too many romance novels

Just accept his offers and tell him you will meet him at the restaurant. And just don't show up . When he questions you about it just say your dad is really strict and wouldn't let you go out.

That would give him hope that theres a chance and just make him more persistant. He might even try to do things like kiss her

I'm a guy and I've met guys like this too. I was always openly bi in high school so I stayed the same in college. And then this guy who was like, perfectly nice, but wouldn't take no for an answer happened. I was like half his size and I was always sickly, but it was still eerie being edgy around him because I really wanted to be friends with him. The friendship was kinda destroyed when I got a girlfriend and he suddenly thought I was a total racist (he was first generation Chinese, also an upperclassman) leading him on so he would help me with my math homework when I said I got a girlfriend. So yeah this bullshit transcends gender. I'm still so glad I listened to the alarm bells in my head and refused when he offered to drive me somewhere.

Or aggressive, which is a good possibility. He clearly feels that he's the cats meow and doesn't see why she wouldn't like him. With an attitude like that he may become aggressive if directly ignored. She should go to the teacher, or even into the office, have him reported for harassment.