By :/ - 04/03/2014 13:37

Today, I taught my 12-year-old brothers that showering cannot be used as a substitute for deodorant, and that they should use both. One of them was almost in tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 537
You deserved it 4 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Usually you would have to tell them that deodorant is not a substitute for showering, but I guess that works too.

Teach them that if they smell nice, that they are most likely to get a girl to like them. Boys that age are mostly interested in that haha (from my experience)


At least they don't use Axe as a substitute for showering

That's just wrong deodorant isn't always necessary as long as proper showers are taken

Okay, so I see a lot of people saying "you don't have to wear deodorant" and "and a lot of people don't believe in wearing it" or whatever. And that's right, but if OP does believe in it, wears it, and puts it on after every shower then that probably means they're in a house where they believe deodorant IS a necessity. And a lot of people do, believe it or not. I think OP is just looking out for his/her younger siblings to make sure they're not known as the kids with B.O. I can respect that, and I agree 100 percent. FYL.

I've always been doing that ever since I was just a hygiene freak :3

At least you told them about it! I've worked and been to school with boys AND girls who didn't feel the need to wear deodorant and trust me they stank like really really ripe and when someone finally told them ('cause hey were adults and this shouldn't be an issue) that hey they should look at their hygiene practices one actually left school (uni) and another said he knew he smelt but didn't care. If you're going to be in close contact with others especially customer service or classes you have to be close, it's just courtesy to look after yourself in terms of cleanliness.

I'm a 23 year old male and I don't use deodorant... But I ,for some inexplicable reason, take either moderate cardio or 48 hours to have enough sweat excretion for BO bacteria to grow. All I ever get, assuming my shower schedule isn't interrupted, is complements on how I smell, without any kind of artificial smelly good stuff. :D

paige_sf 2

At least it they didn't think deodorant was a substitute for a shower. That'd be worse.

Definitely not on hot days and on growing boys.. Not a good mix. Good for you for being a caring sister and being involved. He'll probably thank you for it later. It'll save them some embarrassment.

nachosbabygurl 9

isnt it easier to put deodoranton in the morning and shower once a day than shpwer every time u get sweaty and stinky