By Moisdone - 14/04/2009 18:41 - United States

Today, I stumbled upon my boyfriend's Facebook. His second Facebook. On which I also stumbled upon his second girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 100 903
You deserved it 5 998

mdoodo12 tells us more.

As OP I'd like to say a few things: -yes, there were pictures. very. very. clear cut. disturbing pictures. as well as equally disturbing comments and wall posts. -creating a second Facebook account, people, is as easy as creating a separate email address and using that for registration of a new account. -i was not stalking. we all have random bored moments where we start plugging in random names to see if it will come up. his friend's name came up. one of her friends was my boyfriend. hence the click on his profile. hence....all the rest that followed. -bizarrely, i did find it amusing. way way deep down. way way after i was finished gagging at work when i found it. -and to all: deception only creates more problems. whether with other people or with yourself, you'll **** yourself over at the very least and barest minimum, psychologically. peace to all.

Top comments

Ooooh.. You should tell her too and then you should both write on your facebooks,"We're over asshole" haha

I'd send a message to his other girl friend... Just send both Facebook links to her.


FYL, yes, but at least now you know, and you can dump his sorry self.

your foot needs to stumble up his ass, and just happen to stumble across the other girl's message board (or whatever you people have on facebook to message each other)

omg I am sooo sorry, I know how much that stinks He doesn' deserve you he's a complete asshole. be sure to tell the other girl and let her know all about it too.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

wow, same thing happened to me a month ago. except he put the one that i knew of on private. and said he lost the password to his other one. but my friend who goes to the same school could see it. and he was on recently. and i told her. i would definately tell her. she has a right to know.

That sucks, get in contact with the other girl so both of you can dump his ass.

ok ok 106 says she posted it #106 - 04/15/2009 at 8:50am by mdoodo12 yet the original was. 971571 (120) - 04/14/2009 at 2:41pm by Moisdone 2 seperate accts for fml? have i got it wrong or does someone need to get a life?