By lowly101 - 09/08/2016 19:15

Today, I stood up at my desk and fell. I landed on the arm of my desk chair. There was a loud crack when the plastic in the chair broke. My co-workers heard. They didn't come to check on me because I didn't scream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 520
You deserved it 1 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they thought you dropped something on the ground and it broke? I'm sure they just didn't realise you were hurt-

Bystander effect at it's finest. "If it's really that bad, someone else will help." You could either be passive aggressive and never help anyone unless they directly ask, or try taking the lack of caution about trying to limit liability issues by investigating possible injuries up with HR or whatever department handles workplace safety where you work.


As long as you weren't bleeding or sustaining broken bones, there's no need for attention, especially at a workplace where everyone's busy.

What did you expect? Unless you ask for help don't expect it. Some people would get upset if people rushed in to help if they didn't think they needed help. Work is not like family.

You deserve it because you stood on a chair never stand on a chair. Did you skip kindergarten?

OP stood up AT their desk. Meaning, they stood up from sitting in their chair, meaning they were standing on the floor between the chair and desk before they fell.

Twisted_Angel 17

#27 & #28 need to read better... That sucks OP. At my old job I used to stumble a lot. Never actually hit the ground, thankfully. At first people would freak out and ask if I was okay while running over. As time went on, and they realized I was clumsy, they would wait. So we developed a system. If I shouted "I'm okay!" from my office, or wherever I was, after a second or two, they wouldn't get up. If I never said anything they would come check.

Wow this is an exact copy of an old FML. maybe the FML team is getting lazy.

Not everyone screams in pain. A few years ago I fell hard on the corner of my briefcase, a big bruise on my back and I didn't scream out, silent tears of pain.

That sucks. A similar thing happened to my sister, except that she passed out and no one investigated the noise (I was there. I heard it, and I still feel so guilty). She's fine now though. Sometimes people just... don't investigate a noise they hear if they don't hear clear sounds of distress. In my case, I thought that whoever made the noise would take care of it. Now I know that I have to investigate noises in case someone is hurt and can't call for help. I hope your coworkers realize how dangerous it is to just leave a noise like that and that they won't do it again. I am glad you are ok!