By vixenscars - 19/01/2009 16:49 - United States

Today, I slipped on a banana peel in a store parking lot as I was getting out of my car. I landed on my ass. The cops that were parking behind me later informed me that I would be able to see the video on youtube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 629
You deserved it 2 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahaha FAIL its beautiful. i'm excited to search through thousands of youtube videos in hopes of finding that one. i sound like a loser, NO! you still fail.

x0x_KissOfDeath 0


godhelpme92 0

Those policeman are awsome, still sucks for you tho

lol, cops. ¬¬ and yeah, @ #11, i was going to say that, and isnt it also possible to sue for defamation of character if they posted that video on youtube? i dont normally mention suing and everyone just says "sue" these days for everything, but do it just because they're cops and it would be funny to screw over cops =P

starberries 0

Stop trying to be clever. It's not defamation of character FFS. Don't try to use "big words" until you've looked them up.

etherealjoy 0

lol, i think this is just one of those things in life where you have to laugh along with everyone else

tacocannon99 5

lexy. shut the **** up ugly *****. that comment had no purpose or general motivation behind it. god....

01794sam 0

Thanks, I'll look it up Jkes

i found the link :D

wait so shud i like type in girl slips on banana peel or summin?

Hemlock510 0

damn it. I got rick rolled.

smartypats 1

ugh. the video is not available in my country because of copyright restrictions. so much for something funny to watch. FML.