By Taylor - 15/07/2012 14:42 - United States - Eastchester

Today, I shaved my legs for the first time in three weeks. It took half an hour, three disposable razors, and I cut my legs up so badly they look worse then they did when they were hairy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 971
You deserved it 32 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a Schick Quattro for women. Disposable razors are garbage.

insertnameherr 11

Wow.... that was..... way too much information I was expecting.


3 weeks!! that's when you buzz before shaving!!

You should have known disposable razors couldn't cut through that jungle!

jennifernorvell 7

Bc u used disposable razors. Those are horrible. Try to ones that u change out the blades

That shouldnt happen..u must have abnormally thick leg hair

"disposable razors" I see your problem.

ew. three razors? try using a better razor or just buy mens, they are always better than women's.

as a guy I can confirm that nobody will decide whether they like you or not based on how hairy your legs are. And if they do, they aren't worth your time.