By ohshittttttt - 04/04/2009 16:15 - United States

Today, I set my AIM status to be the currently-playing file on my iTunes. I've downloaded a lot of porn to my iTunes, and I wanted to watch some. My status changed to "Girl in Latex gets fucked in the ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 500
You deserved it 158 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ShavedxIce 0

OTL At least you caught it. And #39, you can import things into itunes from anywhere, just convert the file into an iPod/iPhone compatible version, if your version of iTunes doesn't do that for you.

Lol, the exact same thing happened to me with IRC and Windows Media Player :D Came back to a channel with 200+ people and about 20 different sex-related captions of what I watched :)

greyzero 0

if it makes you feel better, ive seen some guys status on msn state "man ****** by dog hardcore cum rape **** beast xxx"..... i deleted that person off my list...