By ohshittttttt - 04/04/2009 16:15 - United States

Today, I set my AIM status to be the currently-playing file on my iTunes. I've downloaded a lot of porn to my iTunes, and I wanted to watch some. My status changed to "Girl in Latex gets fucked in the ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 500
You deserved it 158 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments


FMLx18 0

How do you connect your Aim status to ur current Itunes song anyways?..

ohhhiiii 0

hahhhhhaha that is so greeat

xThatRandomGirlx 0

Wait, you can download **** onto iTunes?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm sorry, that's just funny. XD

You should have played it off cool, and told people you had renamed a song on purpose as a joke.

#27, holy crap. i can't stop laughing. thank you for making my day! and yeah, this is pretty much the best story ever. i've heard of this happening before... next time close aim. besides, who wants an instant message from your mom right when you're about to climax...

hellzoar 0