By ohshittttttt - 04/04/2009 16:15 - United States

Today, I set my AIM status to be the currently-playing file on my iTunes. I've downloaded a lot of porn to my iTunes, and I wanted to watch some. My status changed to "Girl in Latex gets fucked in the ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 500
You deserved it 158 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments


MCart_fml 0

lol that's what you get for importing your **** to itunes. keep your **** in quicktime player where it was always meant to be.

ohwowthatsucks25 0

hahaha i actually laughed out loud for several minutes.

speller421 0

unrelated, but since that seems to be accidental, is there like a button you can press that it automatically does that? or do you hafta keep typing it in? if you hafta keep typing it in it is 1000000000% your fault. otherwise, not so much. but really my question is, if there IS a way to do that, how?????

AIM for PCs also has this function. They´re called PLUG-INS...Look them up. It´s not that hard.

ha ha ha, that's pretty funny seriously thou, nothing to be embarrassed about.