By PandaMantis - 25/06/2011 04:32 - United States

Today, I sent my romantic interest a sexy text about a dream I had about a "sex gameshow." I sent it by replying to the last text sent. I'm now responsible for traumatizing my 12 year old niece who could only reply, "Like Jeopardy?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 337
You deserved it 48 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg! poor kid! Always watch out to whom you are sending a text!

liy223 6

yes exactly like jeopardy... your cousins genuine innocence makes me smile.


ashtree 12

It's time for Sexy jeopardy! Here's your host - Alex Trebek in a banana hammock! And the buzzers are little fake boobies. :]

Why would your niece be your "romantic interest"?