By crazystuff23 - 01/06/2009 16:44 - United States

Today, I saw the following message on my Facebook News Feed: "Morning Sex: [My mom] and [My dad] are fans. Click here to Join" FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 697
You deserved it 5 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you shouldn't be facebook friends with your parents.

bluedoll 1

That is why there are certain people in my life I refuse to be friends with on Facebook. But hey, finding out your parents like it in the A.M isn't as bad as it could be. They could be fans of "Sex on other people's bed" or something. How do you think you got here? Magic?


lol Newsflash!!!: your parents have sex.

mylifesucks_alot 0

That majorly sucks, but you kind of deserve it for being Facebook friends with your parents.

Ewww gross! My parents never had sex... lmao. Your parents are people too, who doesn't like to wake up to sex?

cookie1_fml 0

...this is why you don't add your parents on facebook. haha. FYL

Haha. Hope they're doing it with each other and not with other people.

FYL for simply having your parents as friends on FB.

Michael and Collen Valenti. Im sure they are your parents. lol. looked up the group and they are the only couple. FYL

For all we know, OP's parents insist that (s)he add them on Facebook as a means to snoop or whatever. You'd be amazed at how controlling some parents can be. But FYL for two reasons 1) Your parents both have Facebooks and 2) You learned about your parents' sex life on Facebook. But seriously though....even parents have sex.