By Username - 19/06/2011 09:51 - Australia

Today, I saw myself on the news. I was one of the random passers by they had filmed for their story on the "Fat Epidemic." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 685
You deserved it 25 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least the news reporter didn't say, "Oh my! A wild snorlax appeared!"

MasterL 3

sorry about that buddy :' (


well done sherlock you cracked the case

Crazy4Christ 0

and you must be a twisted unsure lesbian... oh wait! u are!

WTF is wrong with being a lesbian?

I don't think it counts if it was a random pull. Only if they interviewed you I think...

I'd say. Maybe op will be on an Australian version of Biggest Loser due to being a random passerby.

or just ignore it.. I wish it were cheaper to move to America, apparently I could sue for every little thing and get rich quick :D or at least that's what FML has taught me

I love how on almost every FML the OP gets told to sue, it's not an easy quick fix, lawyers are expensive and it's a terribly long process, I think they would rather just ignore the whole thing rather than going through all of the bullshit that comes along with suing somebody.

JocelynKaulitz 28

Well that must be embarrassing :/

FYL. but can't you sue if they show your face without your permission? I see this is not in the US. but again FYL.

Predental 5

Haha I've never seen an obese asian before

Well that's for their safety. Fat Epidemic doesn't really put any lives at risk.