By MgmEboy - 19/09/2009 21:36 - Canada

Today, I saw a YouTube video of a guy scratching a knife and a screwdriver on his iPod, and at the end he showed how there were no scratches and the screen was still clean. I took my iPod touch and did the same with a knife. It didn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 320
You deserved it 268 826

Same thing different taste


chilechick108 0

don't you know that you can't believe everything you see on a video like that? YDI

hahahahahahahahahaha oh **** your stupid

And you probably think magic tricks are real, too... Today, I saw a video where Penn and Teller made a rabbit disappear, and then made it reappear, then threw it into a grinder and brought it out whole again. I tried this with my pet rabbit. It didn't work. F my bunny's life.

LemonFairy 0

That reminds me of those books with comic bunny suicides. XD

Euphangel 0

what a ******* idiot why would you let the world know that youre a dumb ass? why the **** would you even try that. i mean if i buy something expensive i would want to protect it not see what can or can not break it.

He was showing off an invisible shield or whatever they're called, you **** stick.

This is the stupidest thing i ever read.