By ;_; - 19/12/2013 22:13 - Canada - Burlington

Today, I saw a guy in the street drawing caricatures, and I decided to pay him to do one of me. Being a caricature, I looked pretty monstrous in it. When I showed it to my mum later, she shuddered and said, "Yeah, looks just like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 897
You deserved it 4 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must have a face only a mother.... Never mind.

HJKM_fml 19

Maybe she was just joking. Still I would talk to her and let her know those kind of comments bother you.


Oh look, yet another reason I'm glad ive developed such thick skin!

This is an Fml ? She clearly wasn't being serious. Just something you say to infer likeness if the character is a good one.

It's all good man, it's just a caricature, ***** supposed to be like that.

Oh my, moderators on here are like nazis, they don't even read the rules they're enforcing.

sorry i hit the YDI button even though i didnt mean to. im pretty drunk

Hiimhaileypotter 52
Goblin182 26

I agree with OP, this sucks, either because she has a mean Mom or she looks really horrible. Either way . . .

ilovemychem 22

She was probably pulling your leg