By emogurl - 22/07/2009 05:47 - United States

Today, I returned from a month-long stay in a psych ward for severe depression and suicide attempts. The first words my friends say to me when I call them and let them know I'm out? "Does this mean you're not gonna be so emo? 'cause that was really annoying." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 908
You deserved it 28 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean "ex-friends", right? Tell them it's their fault you were in there. Bastards.

I am so sorry and I hope that now you are ok and on the road back to recovery. It annoys the hell out of me that when anybody shows any kind of emoiton they are considered emo, it's as if showing any sign of sadness, depression or any other emotion like that is wrong, its not it is an emotion and if not shown it can lead to dangerous circumstances and situations The next person who say "OMG I was so emo I cried today" I am going to SCREAM !!!


Maybe you shouldn't be such a ******* dumb emo ****. Like someone above said, MULTIPLE suicide attempts means you were looking for ******* attention, or you'd be dead. ******* jackass. I ******* hate people like you, boo hoo I'm sure your life is SO bad. Remember, it's down the street not across the road :D

Better still.. Across the ******* jugular. Boo hoo my life is terrible I want to die let me get this paperclip and scratch myself. I'll wear long sleeve shirts to hide my scratches which are less severe than a cat scratch, but I'll take every opportunity to roll them up and "accidentally" reveal my "cutting" to random people.

You love how they 'disliked' my comment because most of them are 14 year old whiney emo bitches themselves?

Man I'm so glad people are not quick to reserve judgment and give the benefit of the doubt. It's not like it's possible that this girl had actual clinical depression (I don't think she checked into a clinic or anything). In fact, I think it's safe to conclude that with three lines of text, I, along with everybody else commenting on this FML, can say that she is in fact simply an emo bitch and not some person who truly needed help. It's likely that his was another case of the whole "my boyfriend of two weeks left me I'm going to cut my wrists because nobody understands my pain because nobody who has ever lived for fourteen consecutive years has ever felt as bad as I do right now" emo bullshit. Right? Ugh. The fact is we don't know the whole story. Not only is it a dick move to project your own thoughts and scenarios onto the few facts about her life that is actually given, but it says a lot about your views about life and people in general, and I gotta say: they're a bit depressing. And this is coming from a cynic, as well as the first person who would be eager to call "emo bullshit". OP, if you really aren't a whiny emo little bitch looking for attention, then good job asking for the help you needed. Don't let dick friends get you down. Actually, friend probably isn't the best word here. The word "drain" is probably more apt. Don't let them drain you. Find people who can support you when you need it...likewhen you check out of a clinic for depression.

For you, my friend, I've a few points. First, and this is important, the OP's handle is "emogurl." This is crucial because the OP is intentionally giving themselves that social label - a label which is associated, heavily, and not without reason, a broody, dark, and dare I say it, DEPRESSED mentality. But as you, being a cynic (like myself) it's all for show. Secondly, who said that the OP comitted THEMSELF? All the OP had to do was go to a medical professional and say you have thoughts of suicide, and said professional could section the OP against their will - however fake and attention-seeking the statement was originally. It could even be a goal of someone seeking attention, to be sectioned and seemingly validate all the failed attempts at suicide, where previously people had called her attention-seeking bluff. Which brings me to my third point - OP's "friends" (yes, I will also add speech marks to that as, regardless of OP's obvious bullshit, they're still shifty friends) stated that OP's previous emp shit was annoying - meaning that OP has obviously been seeking attention in either a) large volumes or b) over a long period of time. Which leads me to believe that OP's so-called depression is, indeed, a fabrication intended to gain what the OP's friends are now so reluctant to give - attention. In summary, the OP is, in my (maybe not so) humble opinion, is that OP does not have clinical depression, and is merely confirming to her social status and using it to attempt to derive attention from those close to her. Maybe it worked at first, but to force friends to make such a statement, it had probably been overdone, making the OP's friends tired of it - an obvious proof of previous, and continuous, attention seeking shit. I am also a cynic as states above, I just happen to see through shit a lot easier than the people on this FML who are jumping to the defense of the OP, seem to be able to. And with that.. I'm done.

And apologies for the spelling errors - I'm on a phone and the automatic spell checker seems to wish to discredit my argument by making me appear inept.

All that was typed up on a phone? Impressive. You make some good points, but it all just doesn't seem right to not give somebody the benefit of the doubt when it comes to something as serious as clinical depression and suicide attempts. We could go back and forth for a while so I'll save us the time and suggest that we just agree to disagree.

You've been in a psych ward. That's reason number one why every body should take your problems seriously and stop talking crap about being emo. I know exactly what you've going through.. But I do think you need to think about those friends of yours. I would blow them off immediately now.

I'm not saying OP doesn't have problems, but... All it takes to be committed into a psychiatric ward is to walk into a doctor's office and say you want to kill yourself. In the United States they are legally bound to commit you. OP may very well be depressed and troubled, but being in a psychiatric ward isn't a bona fide guarantee of that.

But being there for a month when the usual requirement is just 72 hours? No, that's a bit more serious.

ghadir 2

i was commenting in reply to someone elses commment but fmy is being yeah nvmd

z0mb130v3rl0rd 0

OP, it sounds to me like you need someone to merely understand you. I went through a serious rough patch throughout my entire adolescence and I did some crazy things. I feel for you. Just hang tough and try not to let idiots piss on your parade. I'm glad you got the help you needed and I hope you continue to feel better.

marinlabyrinth 0

No wonder you were depressed you have shitty friends......and just because someone doesn't have depression doesn't mean they are not really sad and need help

emos are freaking annoying... lifes not that bad. DEAL WITH IT.

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

Actually, depression is more akin to numbness. One of the symptoms of depression is lack of anger to care in response to great injustices.

I realize that REAL depression is serious, and as the OP went to a program for it clearly was the real kind, so yes, FYL, and I'm sorry your friends were mean. That said, I'd half to two thirds of current "depressed" kids in my experience are just emo kids who read too many ******* vampire novels and lament and write journal entries about how their mom bought them the wrong car. It's mostly not the "insensitive, ignorant" people trivializing depression, its the tens of thousands of whiny emo teenagers who won't shut the **** about about their meaningless problems trivializing depression.

I don't think people are seeing the difference between "oh, I'm EMO" and CLINICAL DEPRESSION. Wow.

If there weren't tens of thousands of whiny teenagers stirring up the mix, it wouldn't be hard to see at all. In this case I think empathy fatigue is more to blame than ignorance.