By DuCkBuBbLeS - 20/02/2009 21:19 - United States

Today, I returned from a half-month long trip to China with a group of friends. After throwing myself into my mother's arms and bursting into tears, she stops me to say 'Listen...these last couple of weeks have been some of the best I've ever had. Can we try to keep it like that?' FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 767
You deserved it 5 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cloudy_fml 0

I get that you missed your mom --- and that's natural! But full-on sobbing and throwing yourself into her arms IS a bit much... It just sounds like you might be a BIT overly dependent and clingy towards her. That makes it understandable that she might like a nice break from tending to you every now and again... Her phrasing could have been a tad less harsh though, I suppose. Also:

Edmund_Dantes 0

half-month? Are you trying to hide the fact that you cried after two weeks away from your mom? Grow up.


today, my daughter got back from her two week trip to china...AND she burst out crying wen she got home.FML

wow do we have the same parents?!?! my dad would def say that!!

umm, honey , look at the FML post again , it says that the OP Is a female

really?? that's like calling a month 1/12 of a year or a minute 1/60 of an hour... too much. grow up

you must be a horrible child for you mom to say that

lwait, is anyone else curious as to why op said a half month instead of 2 weeks ? lol sounds like hes trying to make it sound better ,

ZielZone 4

You burst into tears after 2 weeks??? ROFL... WTF is wrong with you?? Cut the apron strings and grow up!

Michaelsmith1502 4

Calm down it was only two weeks...I get that your tryin to make it sound longer by sayin half a month but come on...

A half month? So you basically went away for two weeks and on return cried like a child. How are you mature enough to go to China without supervision for two whole weeks again?