By terpity12 - 07/08/2009 19:39 - United States

Today, I rescheduled my doctor's appointment for a tetanus shot to go camping with my friends. While running on a path at the camp site, I stepped on a rusty nail that went right through my shoe and into my foot. Maybe I should have kept my appointment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 389
You deserved it 24 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SUSAltd 0
SUSAltd 0

It just reading it... ouch. FYL, hope it gets better.


delegasa 0

You don't get tetanus from rust, it comes from anything dirty that cuts you

ahahah i love you #22 better go get that shot! on the bright side, the nail being rusty doesn't increase your chances of getting tetanus. on the less bright side, it being a puncture wound does.

FYL. By the way, terpity12, "terpite" means "be patient" in Russian. So... good luck. :)

Er... you're supposed to be always protected against tetanus... You don't let your vaccine "expire"... So YDI man.

Theguybehindyou 0

I had to get a tetanus shot the other day and i'd rather go through that pain instead of getting a rusty nail in my foot.

The same thing happened to me a couple years ago. With the nail, I mean, not the doctor's apointment. I scraped a nerve and was in a wheelchair for a few weeks. Hope all goes well.

You missed a doctor's appointment so you could get nailed...nice...

well, at least you got nailed on your camping trip. :P