By Anonymous - 05/04/2013 11:23 - Australia - Mackay

Today, I regretfully confessed to my parents I have trichotillomania. There was a torturous pause, followed by the question, "Are you gay?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 921
You deserved it 5 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hold on while I google trichotillomania...

OP get some help for that! It's not good for your hair, it's pretty gross darn gross, and it's not very appealing for anyone to see! For those of you who are wondering: Trichotillomania- is the compulsive urge to pull out (and in some cases, eat) one's own hair leading to noticeable hair loss, distress, and social or functional impairment


I also have it and have lived with it for almost 20 years since I started doing it back in middle school. It's horrible, I hope you are able to get the help you need.

My grandma thought homophobia was when you stayed in your house all the time. To me that makes a little more sense than this mix up

artyler 3

Unless your parents are physicians, you deserved it by obviously trying to show off your vocabulary and using a word you know your parents didn't know the definition of.

It's not "showing off" to use the correct word for a medical diagnosis. If they didn't know, there's no shame in asking.

I've had trich since I was 3 years old, and I am now almost 21. It's not funny. It's horrible. It affects all areas of your life. I'm sorry your parents aren't (or weren't) understanding. Stay strong! You can overcome it. :)

I have trichotillomania as well. Had it since I was 7 years old. I am currently almost 27. I wish I could say that it gets better, but its hard work and it takes a lot of will power and great support. I am currently trying to beat my previous record of 4 months pull-free. I'm almost there. I wish you the best of luck. Message me if you need any encouragement.

I can't help but feel like this is related to those people who eat toilet paper. It's not a disorder, you're just really weird. I swear they'll give anything a complicated name and call it a disorder now. It may have become an addiction but it's no worse than smoking... Grow up and knock it off.

You'd be surprised, people get the weirdest compulsions -- and I do mean compulsions, where thay cannot help but doing it.

Lizardgirl 7

You clearly don't understand things like this. Many people don't choose this life and would do anything to make it stop but it's very hard. There's a lot more to it than you know.

Strive - Your very first post is one of the most narrow-minded, idiotic comments I've seen in weeks. Congratulations. Stupidity is definitely a disorder, and you seem to have a bad case of it.

As a female, it's at times like these I'm glad to be British/ American.

Is it bad that I'm proud of myself for actually knowing what Trichotillomania is without having to google it? Also, sorry about your condition, and that your parents aren't much help.

Your smart words make me stupid more.