By bahhumbug - 21/12/2015 18:25 - United States - Seattle

Today, I received three big boxes from my mother in law, containing expensive cookware. I was puzzled, because I know that she hates me. Turns out she mailed them to us by mistake. Not only did she not get us anything, but I now have to pay to ship the boxes to her neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 119
You deserved it 1 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I say act like you never received anything in the first place (; "what ever do you mean pots and pans? we got nothing"

Why would she mail them to her neighbour? Seems weird that she couldn't just have brought them next door herself...


my2centsworth 15

No, you don't have to pay for the shipping. Let her either come get them or make other arrangements. If she wants them, she'll find a way to get them. Or you could just keep them. They were shipped to your address.

Asinger06 1

You don't "HAVE" to do anything. Her mistake, her problem.

Why would you pay to ship them? Tell her to EMT you before you send them.

Not only does this sound fishy, it feels fishy too. Me thinks she bought them for YOU and sent them, then changed her mind and is now making up this "my next door neighbor" lie to take back the gift. If it was legit addressed to you, I would call her out on her bull and keep the cooking stuff, bake/cook a meal shaped like dick/middle finger and take a selfie of you eating it with a thumbs up... not everyone is me though. Haha.

i wouldn't send them... she should figure it out herself

Dude I would have told her to bite the big one. I would NOT have mailed those back!

Or just tell her that you can't afford to have them shipped right now and if she wants your to do it she'll have to send you money to pay for it

Yeah, I'd just be like **** you come get them yourself.

Ummm.... Don't. If she wants them she can come get them or pay to have them shipped. Her mistakes are not your responsibility.

"I have to pay" what????? You don't have to do shit. If you don't want to do it, don't. Is that simple.