By Anonymous - 10/03/2013 00:40 - United Kingdom - Brighton

Today, I received an email from my friend in South Africa, with whom I'll soon be staying for 2 months. She was telling me that she had bought me a few things so I would be prepared for my stay. What did she buy me? A taser and some pepper-spray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 983
You deserved it 5 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahaha! Your friend's a joker, mate. A taser won't help you here!


ishaaq97 0

I live in South Africa and I can tell you its not that bad.

You've obviously haven't been attacked in your own home!!!

Depends where in SA you live. I was in CT for 15 years and had to carry pepper spray with me everywhere. Smaller towns (Knysna etc) were okay, cities not so much. It's why I eventually left my home country and don't want to go back, despite the beauty.

You must not live in a large city. My home has been broken into 5 times, so I'd say that it's pretty bad.

knoxxx 22

A female foreigner in South Africa is in a lot more danger than someone who has lived there for a while or their entire life. She won't know where anything is, what areas are dangerous, what people to avoid. And all things considered, OP will be much better off having some form of protection in case she needs it.

Sasha92_fml 3

And you dont think that could happen anywhere in the world?

knoxxx 22

No, I don't. South Africa is the only place in the entire world where you can be in danger. Wtf kind of question is that? Don't be so butt hurt. This FML is about South Africa, so why would we be talking about other countries?

If that surprises you, OP, you're clearly not prepared to go to SA.

If you don't want to go, I am happy to! I would give my left arm for a trip to South Africa. What a beautiful place with amazing people xxx

not FML . it's an actual lifestyle, depending where you are in South Africa.

ileenefudge 29

Really? I didn't know that. I learned something new today.

FarFromSocial 9

Don't use it all in one place

What surprises you? That's the harsh reality of the most of the world beyond Europe. I live in Russia, and people here are sometimes killed for a cell phone, or for accidentally stepping on someone's foot. That's why I always carry a knife in the pocket. Still, it's most likely not that bad.

Welcome to China. Normal people might never have a chance to see a gun or bullet in the whole life.

I have two questions: are you referencing China's gun control laws, or China's gun crime rate? Second, what do either of those things have to do with this FML?

At least she's giving you some gifts you will really really need!!!

Well, hopefully, she doesn't need them, but it's good to have them in case she does.