By Francoise3 - 18/03/2009 13:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I received an e-mail from the girls at work. It was an invite to lunch, but it said, "Lunch today at Camber's, PLEASE don't tell Françoise, I don't think any of us can take any more of her!" I'm Françoise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 055
You deserved it 19 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you still showed up, just to piss them off.

I hope you either a) emailed her back saying thanks for the head's up that you weren't wanted, or b) just showed up anyway


You should: first e-mail back saying "thanks guys, and thanks to the person who suggested this, I'll love to NOT show up", then two invite all ur other frends to a huge party and not invite any of the people that did this to you, three when it comes to face to face just smile and say "you guys are SO nice" :D

maybe ur a douche and you should re-evaluate your personality..and people will want you around once you get your act together and #101 if they dont even want her around for lunchm i doubt theyd want to go to her HUGE party lmao

christopherlove 0

Yeah the email's an unfortunate way of finding out, but you must be seriously obnoxious if the general population thinks so.

kittengrl39 0

Please learn to spell clique. Unless you're referring to the sound her mouse makes, this makes no sense.

Haha you should've showed up and been like ''Thanks for the invite!'' I bet her face would've been hilarious!

Well maybe you should try to be less of a bitch. It is really your fault.

Gingerly 0

I'm gonna have to say YDI, just based on my own personal experiences. I work with a bitch that no one can stand and if someone says that they're going on lunch she always invites herself and spends the entire time bitching about her life. So yeah, you probably deserve it, maybe you can learn a lesson from this.

e_rico112 0

Well you don't know that she really is a bitch....Sometimes people exclude others just because they can

I bet they sent that email to you on purpose to give you a hint.

fmlyoumeanie 0