By Francoise3 - 18/03/2009 13:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I received an e-mail from the girls at work. It was an invite to lunch, but it said, "Lunch today at Camber's, PLEASE don't tell Françoise, I don't think any of us can take any more of her!" I'm Françoise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 055
You deserved it 19 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you still showed up, just to piss them off.

I hope you either a) emailed her back saying thanks for the head's up that you weren't wanted, or b) just showed up anyway


wallythedolly 0

What you could do is "Reply All" and write something like, "I know I received this unintentionally, but I want to apologize for being intrusive, and I hope you all enjoy your lunch." You take the high road and they'll feel absolutely ashamed.

Wow i'm terribly sorry. I would have walked straight up to that women and punched her in the throat.

ahahha thats so rough i'm sorry. hopefully that bitch felt like shit.

Maybe this can serve as a wake up call that you're annoying/bitchy/whatever and you don't realize it. The fat kid that hangs out with the group and is really annoying usually doesn't realize he is annoying, but everybody else knows that everybody else knows he's annoying. I'm sorry, but people don't avoid others for a reason. So what if they didn't want you to attend? They have no obligation to spend time with you. I certainly don't want to spend time with people that annoy me or I don't like, so long as I can avoid it. They could have said much meaner things, such as name-calling or have just been much more crude. Essentially, she just said she doesn't want to spend any time with you, and she's entitled to that desire. So get over it. She doesn't like you, and she probably has a reason. Figure out what that reason is and fix it. I don't know why so many people are giving you such an incredibly large benefit of the doubt. I've never heard of somebody "not being able to take any more of a person" unless that person TRULY was annoying or overbearing. So work on becoming more bearable and you'll probably have friends who want to hang out with you.

Adam_B 0

Wow, please give submitter the benefit of the doubt people. One email from a very childish coworker does not give us enough reason to assume that it's true.

TheRipePunani 0

Sucks that people went behind your back like that, but perhaps if you look around there might be a good reason for it. I don't know you personally so I won't say more than that.

They hate you because you're French. Don't feel too bad; it's not your fault you're descended from a bunch of arrogant pricks.

that's what you get for being a self centered biyotch, I can tell you are and I don't even know you.

well then stop being obnoxious at work. maybe they were trying to tell you something .......on "accident."