By brokenrelicslost - 08/01/2010 20:06 - United States

Today, I realized that I have completely fallen for this incredible guy, and that I'm really looking forward to where our relationship will take us. He just informed me that he will be doing jail time following his court date on Tuesday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 025
You deserved it 5 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might wanna think about raising the bar just a little. Your definition of incredible seems to need some adjusting.

DaleksAreEpic 0

Ha. He must be going to prison for theft, because he just STOLE your heart.


at least you know he won't be cheating on you. maybe you can help him change his life around if you yourself are willing to wait it out faithfully!

babycake69 5

what he do? and how long is the time

wowmybf 5

I feel your pain completely! I too fell for a man that had a pending court case. It was a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time and was pretty much a set up. It does NOT make him a bad person!! I'm not sure what ur guy did to get himself in this mess and I'm not sure how long he's looking at or how long u all have been together. Me and mine have been together 2 yrs so I did truly get to know him and fall in love with him. So if u are to that point I say stand by him. Prison is a lonely place and to have the security of knowing u love him and will stand by him will make all the difference in the world to him. It takes a loyal and loving person to stay in that situation but if u have the kind of love that I have for mine then it will be an easy thing to do. I couldn't imagine being anywhere but by my mans side. Follow ur heart.

If the jail time isn't for that long , I don't see much of a problem.