By BoldMoveCotton - 15/06/2016 21:30 - United States - Pleasant Hill

Today, I put in my two-week notice. My boss responded by saying, "Okie dokie" and hanging up. Guess they were glad to be rid of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 072
You deserved it 2 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments


andrmac 25

I agree with 21 as an employer as well. You got this person trained and you are back to square one if not screwed in the process. 95% of the time that person already has a new job lined up and they shook on it and have committed to themselves they were going to leave so there is nothing you can real say other than sorry to see you go k bye.

What did you expect? Tears? Pleas for you to stay? It's business. You want to move on and they will, too.

Why did you call instead of writing a letter?

What'd you want? For him to cry and beg you to stay?

Would it be better if they were mad at you? Seriously, this is like a best case scenario

Or maybe your boss was so emotionally struck that he didn't know how to respond so he simply said "okie dokie" but what you don't know was that afterwards he grabbed him self some tissues and cried him self to sleep. Shame on you op, shame on you.

i just gotta say some people cant cope with things correctly so maybe he really felt sad

What were you expecting. Him to beg you to stay? ydi