By yum yogurt - 30/10/2011 20:15 - United States

Today, I punched myself in the face while trying to eat a GoGurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 446
You deserved it 17 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boredblonde 17

definitely worth it, gogurts are the best!


thallpma08 4

158 thank you for telling me that, I do not live in the USA (it sounds American) I live in Canada. (I know my profile says in Uranus). Clearly no one else had the same question. :P.

Yes. It's yogurt that tastes like heaven in a tube.

Elfsrock 4

omg were you trying to push the yogurt up and your hand slipprd off? thats happened to me a bunch of times

iBiteRoses 22

Trust me, everyone does that!

Shilohs_twin_XD 0

Lol, happened to me soooo many times

SkardeyKat 3