By yum yogurt - 30/10/2011 20:15 - United States

Today, I punched myself in the face while trying to eat a GoGurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 446
You deserved it 17 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boredblonde 17

definitely worth it, gogurts are the best!


RomoniReed 6

*points at OP, Nelson laugh*

sparkles1000 0

It's so sad cuz that's like not even like a one time thing either! This stuff happens to me all the time!

tennischik211 11

Haha that always happens to me. We use to much pressure and force to squeeze the yogurt out of the packet thing and our hands just slip. It always gets my nose though.

LiveLaughFML 10

EvilPotatoe, it's a yogurt..on the go ;-)